Affordable Editing Services


Will you recommend my work to agents and publishers?

While I have connections in the industry, I unfortunately cannot use those to recommend every client that I work with. I’d be happy to work with you in identifying a list of agents and publishers who you can query yourself. I also offer query letter critiques that will help you stand out!

Do your services include document formatting?

No. While I might reformat small things on a case by case basis for consistency (indents, removing double spaces), I am not a formatter. It will be in the same format upon receipt that you originally sent it to me in.

Do your proofreading and copy editing services include plot suggestions?

No. These services only include grammatical edits, minor rewriting of sentences, replacement of words, revising for clarity, etc. If you’d like to combine either of these services with a manuscript critique, though, you definitely can (for a discounted price!). Shoot me a message, and I’ll be sure to come up with a service combination that fits your needs.

*Please see my Services and Rates page for detailed descriptions of my services, or feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have.

Does your manuscript critique service include proofreading or a grammar check?

No, this service only includes an editorial report, as well as plot comments left throughout the manuscript. There will be no changes to the actual text of the manuscript.

*Please see my Services and Rates page for detailed descriptions of my services, or feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have.

How long will it take you to edit my book?

Typically, I ask for about a twenty day turnaround. This all depends on how many other clients I’m currently working with, the length of your novel, and the type of edit you are looking for. I do offer an expedited delivery time for a small fee.

Do you offer ghostwriting services?

No. None of my services offer or include ghostwriting. While I might reword and restructure sentences at a detailed level in my copy editing service, I will not be writing anything extra.

She is very quick and responsive. She understood the request very well and assisted tremendously. It was worth it to hire her, she was very friendly and helpful.
— Marian Davis